Meet The Team
Dosbarth Sycamore

Miss Badham

Miss Phillips
Class Teacher
Croeso i Ddosbarth Sycamore!
Our whole school Autumn topic is 'Let's Celebrate'. Please click on the image below to access our termly plan.
Our values for this term are 'Friendship' and 'Wisdom'.
P.E: P.E takes place on a Monday morning and a Wednesday afternoon. Pupils will need joggers/shorts, t-shirt, jumper and trainers that are clearly labelled to change into for the sessions.
Well-being Wednesday: Every Wednesday, pupils are encouraged to wear P.E kits to school. During the day, pupils take part in activities to improve their mental and physical well-being.
Amser Snac: Pupils are encouraged to bring a healthy snack for play time.
Darllen: Pupils are expected to read for at least 10 minutes a night, including free readers.
Guided reading: Pupils take part in regular guided reading sessions to support their reading and understanding of a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts.
Spellings: Spellings go out on a Friday, with tests to be held the following Friday. RM Easimaths, Lexia and J2Blast (spelling and timetables) are all available to access at home.
Homework: Homework is set termly to cover all AOLE's, but pupils may have extra homework set when needed. Completed work can be uploaded to Hwb or sent into school to go onto our WOW wall display.
Communication: Class Dojo is our main form of communication for messaging. Some work will be shared via Dojo too.
AOB: Wet weather clothing and P.E kits can be left in school for any outside learning and P.E sessions during the term.
Facebook: Dosbarth Sycamore post on Facebook every Thursday. Follow the link below to see some of our learning this year so far!
Outdoor Learning using perimeter squares and Tally Charts

Ascension Day at St. David's Cathedral

'Learning and growing hand in hand together, following the footsteps of Jesus'