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Illness or Absence

If your child is too unwell to come to school, or if there is another reason for absence, please message the class teacher via class dojo or call the office on 01646 651409 from 8.30am. Please provide a specific reason for the absence and inform us if a doctor's appointment has been arranged. In line with our school policy please provide an indication, where possible, of when your child is likely to return to school. If you are unable to do this, we ask that you make contact at the beginning of each subsequent day of absence unless other arrangements have been mutually agreed with the headteacher. 


Please try your best where possible to ensure that any medical or dental appointments are taken outside of school hours. This is extremely important to avoid your child missing time in school. It also helps the school greatly in terms of attendance - an area that we are expected to improve year on year. If it is impossible to avoid an appointment during the school day, please bring your child into school for morning or afternoon registration first, so that they can receive their mark for the session before leaving for the appointment.



A message from our Family Engagement Officer (FEO)

As your Family Engagement Officer my role is to support both pupils and families at our school. I am available during the week on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to listen, answer any questions, and advise with your concerns in relation to supporting your children at home and in school regarding their education, attendance and well-being. In my role to monitor and report on school attendance it is important that I can track specific reasons, and this is why you are asked to give a reason for your child's absence. 


Mrs Cook




Our attendance target is 95%


















Term Time Holiday Requests

Holiday forms can be collected from the office. As a school we actively encourage parents not to take time off during term time so that children can fully benefit from the opportunities the school provides. 

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