Dosbarth Little Acorns

Miss. Morton


Mrs. Rees
Mr. James

Mrs. Fursse

Miss John
1:1 LSA
Dosbarth Little Acorns
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Foundation Phase - Nursery, Reception and Year 1
Our whole school topic this term is 'Let's Celebrate!'
Nursery Overview
Click the image to find out more.
Reception Overview
Click the image to find out more.
Year 1 Overview
Click the image to find out more.
Information for Parents
Part-time nursery - Wednesday mornings.
Full-time Nursery - Wednesday afternoons.​
Well-being Wednesday
Children to come to school dressed in PE kits. Activities during the day will be based on health and well-being.
Forest Friday
Every Friday morning, we spend time exploring the outdoor environment and completing our activities outside in nature. Children are encouraged to come to school dressed in wet weather clothing and wellies. ​
Amser Snac
Children are encouraged to bring in a piece of fruit which should be in a labelled container. Milk will also be provided for snack time.
We encourage you to read daily with your child at home as well as going through their sound and flashcards. We listen to individuals read regularly in class. Children also take part in daily small group phonic sessions and guided group reading.
Class Library
Every Monday (Tuesday if there is a bank holiday), children will have the opportunity to choose a book to bring home from our class library. Books are to be returned the following Monday and children can then choose a new book to bring home for the week.
Homework is set half termly with an activity to cover each Area of Learning and Experience in relation to our topic. Children are encouraged to complete one activity per fortnight. Please post completed work to Hwb or bring it in for us to see and put on display.
Our values this term are 'Friendship' and 'Wisdom'. Please click on the 'Collective Worship' tab to access our half-termly Value Newsletter.
What is Funky Friday?
Every child's voice at St. Oswald's is important to us.
Every Friday afternoon in Dosbarth Little Acorns, we have Funky Friday. This provides an opportunity for children to lead their own learning.
Children are read a story and share ideas based on activities they would like to complete based on the text read.
The following week, the teacher sets up each activity for children to complete. The next text is read and children plan activities to complete the following week.

'Learning and growing hand in hand together, following the footsteps of Jesus'