The school aims to offer a high standard of inclusive education and equality of opportunity to all individuals.
Many children, at some stage in their school careers, will have additional learning needs of some description. The school will endeavor to identify these needs, and to formulate a relevant programme, in cooperation with parents/carers for each child’s particular circumstances. The assessment will aid in recognizing the needs of able and talented children as well as those having learning needs.
If a child has additional learning needs, then the extent of the child’s need is discussed with the parents/carers. The school will then produce a programme for the pupil that can lead to individual teaching or group.
A copy of the school’s Additional Learning Needs Policy will be available from the school office.
St. Oswald’s has a well-resourced department for teaching small groups and for individual pupil support. An exceptionally able child will be identified using the same process. We have a positive working relationships with external agencies such as the Educational Psychologist, Social Services etc.
Our Additional Learning Needs coordinator at St. Oswald’s is Mr. Thomas Harvey.
St. Oswald’s has adopted the Assessment for Learning strategy e.g. thinking skills, self-assessment and peer assessment techniques. These new techniques encourage teachers to prepare lessons that incorporate a range of teaching methods e.g. listening/kinaesthetic etc. Our aim will be to create an independent and effective learner of a high standard.

'Learning and growing hand in hand together, following the footsteps of Jesus'